February 23, 2015

A Morning Star

A  Morning  Star

The  Focalization  of  the  Spirit  of  Life

Uranda   February 23, 1947   Riverside, California

The Lord spoke to us out of the Cycles of the Spirit, and said,

Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?

Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the cornerstone thereof:

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

This morning, in the early dawn, I looked Eastward. The darkness was giving way before the coming of the light, and already a veil of light, like a garment, fringed the mountain, over which the sun would soon arise. The brilliant morning star, high in the Eastern heavens, hung like a jewel in the blue of the sky, signalled a message of calm assurance, and in its flashing brilliance I beheld a beacon of the heavens, sending earthward a message that the Sons of God still reign supreme, and shall once again shout for Joy when the earth shall have been cleansed from all sin, suffering, sorrow and death.

In this place, set apart, to which we have been brought by the Spirit of the Living God, I meditate this morning upon the workings of the great Creative Triangles, of which I have told you before, and in my meditations I consider the words by which I may convey to you that which I would long to convey if you were gathered here with me in person, sharing the California sunshine, resting under the green trees, listening to the sound of the breeze, and watching it sway the branches to and fro. In the Spirit, time, space and distance are transcended, and so it is that In the Spirit of the Word of Truth I am with you where you are, as surely as if you were sitting here within the sound of my voice.

We have moved to establish the focalizations of the Creative Triangles in the earth as a Reality, that the Creative Cycles may effectively transcend the limitations of physical circumstance, and begin to shape and mould that form which the Will of God ordains on earth, that all who will may see and know and understand the Power and Reality of the Living God. I would consider with you the words of realization expressed by one whom you already know in Spirit—one whom I wish shortly to introduce to you in a new light. 

"Our Great Master, when He was living on earth, made the statement: ‘I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. In Him all that was necessary to the Salvation of the human race was, and is focalized. The Way, is the Way of the Christ Love, and we recognize that He in His Place is the LORD of Love. Naturally, when He was living out here on earth He was the supreme focalization of the Divine on earth, and therefore, under those circumstances, and by reason of that for which He was in the world, He focalized the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Life within Himself. That which was possible of accomplishment then, was possible only under His personal direction. After His Ascension into the Inner Planes, He remained, of course, the focalization of the Spirit of Love, as the LORD of Love, and resumed His responsibilities as the Supreme Being at the apex of the Seventh Plane, but the responsibilities of the Spirit of Truth were returned to, and placed in the hands of, the Lord of the Sacred Three. We have then remaining the Spirit of Life, which relates primarily to the Christ Body made manifest on earth. It is the Expression of the Christ Life in and through the One Body, that establishes and brings forth the One Body. Therefore, as through response to the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth, the Christ Body begins to come into manifestation, the focalization of that Spirit of Life automatically begins to become aware of the currents of Life focalized in himself and flowing through the One Body. Does that make for separation? In the idea of the serpent it is a splendid opportunity for division. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life, There is no separation for they are One." (Martin Cecil  February 16, 1947)

The focalization of the Spirit of Life, coming into manifest expression through and at the Head of that Form established according to the Pattern of the Spirit of Truth, moving under the Power of the Spirit of Love, provides the means for the intensified function of the Creative Triangle on earth, by which Resurrection from darkness into the Light may cause the Restoration to become a Reality.

I take this means of announcing to you that under the blessing of the KING of Kings, the ordination of the second Bishop of the Church of the Emissaries of Divine Light shall soon be an accomplished reality. Seven years ago an important step in the outworking of the Plan of God on earth was fulfilled, when the Lord opened the Way by which Martin Cecil harmonized with us in this Ministry. The initial fruitage of that seven years of faithful function now begins to appear, carrying blessings to you and to all who Respond, and shall Respond, to the Way, the Truth and the Life. The focalization of the Spirit of Life, made manifest in the person of Martin Cecil, soon to be ordained a Bishop of the Church, makes possible the next great step in the fulfillment of the Cosmic Plan, in the Cycles of the Creative Triangles, by reason of which the Service of the Lord on earth shall be caused to increase, according to those things that are written in the Book of books, concerning which more understanding will be given to you in due season; for that Rock cut out without hands shall grow, and fill the whole earth.

In the first processes of Creation, the Morning Stars sang together, and all the Sons of God shouted for Joy. So let it also be now in the Restoration—where the Spirit of Life, working through the Pattern of Truth by the Power of the Spirit of Love, shall surely accomplish that whereunto he is sent, to the Glory of God and the blessing of all the children of men, IN the Christ. Blessing you in the Holy Name of the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, and continuing with you in Spirit that you may worship God in Truth, I AM  URANDA

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