August 22, 2016

Dare To Walk In The Flame

Dare  To  Walk  In  The  Flame

from  Remember Who You Are

Uranda   January 10, 1949

In the expression of the Prophets of old time, we find a record of various statements, to the effect that the Lord would sift His people as wheat, the chaff would be blown away—or the Master put it as the division between the sheep and the goats—various ways, all the same thing. They are described as earthquakes, shakings in various ways, pressure points. It means that we have to dare. As much as possible, I want each one to go into it with eyes open. We have to dare to walk in the Flame—step into the Fire. Once we do there can be no turning back safely. Any turning back then is very, very disastrous—for he who is in the Flame and becomes fearful, and starts to turn back is consumed by the Flame. I do not want any tragedies; and tragedies, if they do occur, always bring a long string of complications that involve all concerned in needless difficulties—and such things delay, and delay is dangerous. I have sought, in every way I know, to impress on the Unit the fact that this is not a child's game. It is something deadly serious.

Now, as to the Nucleus function, it does not vary greatly from that function to which you have already been gently lead. It is not any great divergence from what has already been established, and the points of focalization and Radiation must be kept simple and direct. The simplified point of Truth in Radiation is like the point of the sword. It is that which drives home. The rest follows. It is that which penetrates and which has the power of penetration. I have used the Principle with all of you or you would not be here. In innumerable instances each one of you has responded in Love and Faith and Hope, without really knowing why, without really understanding what was taking place, without any clear realization of just what was going to happen next. Your movement in such a case was not something calculated, from the standpoint of your own minds. It was not something that you deliberately determined to do on a basis of some idea that you saw it all clearly and satisfied all the questionings of your minds, etc. The vibrancy of your Response in Love and in Faith and in Hope stilled the questioning of the mind. Love cast out fear; Faith cast out unbelief; and Hope gave courage.

There have been times when, after an advance on such a basis, you have looked back more or less amazed, wondered about it some as to just how it happened, or why—and sometimes there has been a little hint of fearfulness that crept in, a little tendency to questioning. If you did not immediately let the questioning of the mind be stilled through Faith, if you did not immediately let the Current of Response be strengthened through Love Response, you found yourselves in trouble, and, being in trouble, the consciousness of Hope tended to vanish; and consequently there was a tendency to lose courage or become discouraged. It is as simple as that. Each one of you has experienced these phases or steps of movement forward where you were carried without any consciousness of volition on your part, without any clear realization of just what was happening, over obstacles, or up steps, as it were, simply by reason of your Love that held the Polarity and cast out fear, your Faith that kept the outer mind still, and your Hope that gave you the courage to let it be so. Many times you yourselves have not understood, for a considerable time afterward anyway, and perhaps to some degree do not yet understand, but you know that that is so. Others, seeing something of it, have in various ways judged you because they did not understand.

Love Response must establish Polarity and cast out fear; Faith must still the questioning of the mind, so that, as it were, the mind is for the moment blindfolded, simply willing to be lead; and Hope, which springs eternal in the human breast by the Grace of God, gives the courage essential to the doing. Generally speaking, when there is courage, in such function the individual involved has absolutely no consciousness, at the moment at least, of the fact of courage. He may look back on it afterward with amazement and feel some little reaction with respect to it perhaps, but it was there at work, generally speaking, without his having the faintest conscious thought of courage as such at the time.

When first Kathy began to function in her Point of Focalization and move into it, I told her a good many times: “Remember who you are.” I pointed out to her that in any situation where she might tend to get flustered, or feel to be off her base, or anything that would disturb the effectiveness of her function or her tranquility, if she would always remember that point it would help her maintain effectively her Point of Polarity.

Always Remember Who You Are

That involves remembering Who you belong to, which involves remembering what your position is in relationship to the LORD of Lords—and to me. It involves remembering your Divine Calling—but that is my concluding Word to you tonight. Always Remember Who You AreIf you find yourself getting into difficulties, do not rush in blindly, do not try to fight your way through something. Back up a little, so to speak, step back from the situation, remember your Polarity in Love, your Faith and your Hope—the three things that give meaning to you as individuals. Without those three things, you tend to become meaningless—Love, Faith and Hope.

If necessary, meditate for a moment about what I have said tonight about Love, Faith and Hope, and in that meditation remember Who you are. Remember the dignity, the nobility, that is natural to your Calling. Remember Who you are, and you will always remember that you are never alone. Remember Who you are, and you will always know the Spirit of that Central Point with which you are identifiedand you will find that in remembering Who you are the Current of Being in the LORD of the Sacred Seven and the Lord of the Sacred Three is indivisible, one and the same, and in that Spirit your expression of life will reveal Who you are—but you cannot reveal in your life expression Who you are if you yourself forget Who you are.

So, I bless you and enfold you In that Peace which is of our KING, that Peace which passeth all human understanding. In all things Let the Will of the Father Be Done. That is the focus of the Creative Word for which you are responsible. This is that which is established IN the Christ, and has been since before the Foundation of the world.

© Emissaries of Divine Light