December 20, 2016

In The Motherland

In  The  Motherland

Uranda   December 23, 1936

The world was aglow

With a Golden Light;

Gentle breezes blowing

Carried fragrance of mystic flowers,

And through the mellow Radiance

There moved the forms of gods.

All the earth was still

While through the stillness

Came the soft, sweet song of birds

Whose notes ne’er fell on mortal ears,

For in the Motherland

A Sacred Day had dawned.

The cycles of the earth

Were swinging toward the dawning

Of a New Sun Cycle 

Which men now call a year.

For Seven Days the Seven Rays

Within the Temple Flame

Were now to serve in Temple Rites

Ordained to bless the closing days

Of the old Sun Cycle, and usher in

The expanding vision of the New

Wherein the Flaming Symbol

Of the Temple of the Sacred Three

Should bring new Life and Blessings

To all who would respond

Within the Flame.

The hosts of Blessed Ones

Had gathered in the Gardens

Wherein the Temple of the Sacred Three

Shone forth as a priceless Gem.

From every land on earth

The Blessed Ones had come,

And in the hush of human sounds

The strains of sweet heaven’s Song

Came floating through the space

Around the earth for all to hear.

To the Mystic’s Single Eye

The gathered hosts were points of Light

Drawn to the point of burning

Within the Altar Flame,

And out from them the mellow Radiance

Shone forth enfolding all the earth.

In the Center of the Focal Flame,

With whiteness betokening the RI-U-OM,

The magnificence of the Sacred Temple

Became a Living Thing,

And the walls were changed to Crystal

So that all the people in the Gardens

Could see within the Temple’s Sacred Halls,

And lo, through the Vision of the Blessed Ones

Who graced the Gardens of the Temple

All people on the earth

Who had the vision of the Single Eye

Could watch the Sacred Service

Which now began within the Altar Flame.

The Seven Days for the Seven Rays

Were thus ordained to let man know

The secrets of the Ascending Flame,

And so it was that the First Day

Was dedicated to the Seventh Ray

While each succeeding Day

Should serve a lesser Ray

Until the Flaming Orb should

Move majestically through the Gateway

Of the New Sun Cycle.

The High Priestess of the Seventh Ray

Stood forth as Goddess of the Altar Flame

And knelt for all the earth

Before the Lord of the Sacred Three,

While the Symbol of His Majesty

Enfolded all the changing scene ­

And then the stillness became more still

Until the very stillness seemed as sound,

And all the gathered hosts shone forth

As Flames of Light before the coming


For there, within the Flaming Orb,

THE KING OF KINGS appeared in all the Majesty

Of the Seven Sacred Worlds which form the Holy World.


With Sacred Hand stretched forth in Blessing,

And from within the stillness

There came the sweetest strains of heaven’s

Most Sacred Songs, and every Being gathered there,

And everywhere, joined in the Song of Adoration

To the ONE Who was and is the ONE OF ALL.

Words which humans form

Cannot portray the Sacred Scene

Which then unfolded

For all who knew themselves

Within the Single Eye.

Let all the earth rejoice

And gather in the Gardens of the Temple

Within the Sacred Center of the Motherland,

For lo, the Temple Service begins again on earth ­

Our High Priestess of the Seventh Ray

Again comes forth on earth

Before the Lord of the Sacred Three,

And from within the Central Orb of the Flaming Fire


Comes forth in all His Majesty

And every Eye shall see Him as He is.

Let every knee now bow before Him,

Let every lip acknowledge Him,

And let His Love uplift each one into the ONE.
